Myerstown Enrichment Center Myerstown Enrichment Center Myerstown Enrichment Center
OPEN HOUSE February 18th @ 10:30am
11 N Chestnut St. Mt Aetna, PA 19544

Myerstown Enrichment Center (MEC) is a Christian homeschool support group that was founded in 1995. We meet each Tuesday from September to May, except for listed holidays. Our eight-member volunteer board coordinates and administers MEC activities. Our mission is to provide educational resources and support for homeschool families.

MEC offers traditional parent/member-taught educational classes from first through twelfth grades. Nursery through kindergarten is primarily a babysitting/enrichment service designed to free mothers to help with older students.

Our purpose is to work cooperatively in order to teach our children, while offering extra opportunities to help develop student leadership, provide incentives, and showcase student's individual achievements. We also seek to offer assistance to families as they comply with the PA Homeschool Law and to be a source of support to families through educational, personal, and prayer support.

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MEC week 18
February 11 - Tuesday
Pizza day
February 11 - Tuesday
MEC week 19
February 18 - Tuesday